Archive for février, 2023

Mark Clayton – Representative of Conservatives Abroad (CA) in China, on a visit to London.

jeudi, février 9th, 2023

Congratulations to Mark Clayton winner of the 2023 AAT Excellence Award ( a fellow member of the accounting body Association of Accounting Technicians).

Mark is pictured with Raf Pittman (CA Representative France) for a traditional afternoon cream tea celebration of his AAT award, at the Farmers Club, Whitehall (London).

An entrepreneur, Mark is the Representative of Conservatives Abroad in China, Chief Financial Officer for the C2W Group and Vice-Chairman British Chamber of Commerce in Guangdong.

During his visit to the UK this past week he attended the South West Conservatives Forum and a Conservatives Abroad Team meeting with the Chairman Heather Harper, Deputies Colin Blackwell and Peter Michelmore, together with Representatives Robert McDowell (Channel Islands) and Raf Pittman (France).

Originally from Newcastle, Mark had a busy schedule but enjoyed his stay in London where he went on daily morning runs inspired by the history and architecture in and around Westminster.