Archive for mars, 2014

Lord Ashcroft Polls on Milliband’s EU Referendum Non-Pledge

vendredi, mars 21st, 2014

Lord Ashcroft thinks (see link to his article below) that the Conservative party should not be misled by Labour leader Ed. Milliband’s recent non-pledge on an EU referendum, when his polling has found that:

« Tory voters are twice as likely as Labour voters, and UKIP voters three times as likely, to say that defending Britain?s interests in Europe is one of the most important issues facing the country. »

« By putting the referendum pledge at the front and centre of its 2015 campaign the Conservative Party would not only be missing the chance to talk about the things most voters care about more, like the economy, jobs and public services. It would also, as far as these voters are concerned, be proving again the out-of-touchness (outness of touch?) of which it has for so long been accused. That is the trap Ed Miliband has set for the Tories. Surely they won?t be so daft as to fall into it? »

Merkel in London ? A Lesson in Eurorealism

lundi, mars 17th, 2014

This challenging article by Thomas Fillis of European Public Affairs concludes, following the visit of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to London, that the gap between what Tory backbenchers are demanding, and what David Cameron can deliver in Europe is still unbridgeable.

« Merkel?s visit has reminded us that Eurorealism is how to engage with Brussels. »

That is, the only way to change the European Union is from within.

What do the members and friends of British Conservatives in Paris think?

British Citizens Abroad – Register to Vote!

vendredi, mars 14th, 2014

Here is an important message for all British citizens resident abroad and not impacted by the 15-year-limit on their voting rights, from Greg Clark, Minister of State for Cities and the Constitution:

Register as an overseas voter!

This is important for both the European elections in 2014 (if you have not already registered where you are resident) and the next general election in 2015.