Archive for the ‘Social Mobility’ Category

Academies/Free Schools

jeudi, janvier 6th, 2011

The National Union of Teachers (NUT) wants the government to cancel its plans for so-called Free Schools or Academies and (to quote) stop playing with the educational future of the Country. Such state-funded schools are not wanted or needed and that parents have not been consulted enough (unquote).
It will be recalled that Free Schools, independent of local authorities, can be set up by e.g. charities, universities, businesses, educational groups, teachers & groups of parents. The first 25 are scheduled to open across 22 local authorities from September of this year. However, an NUT-commissioned YouGov survey of 1,021 parents in Free School-approved locations, found 31% were against setting up one in their area, 26% were in favour and 29% were neutral. Perhaps more importantly and reflecting a lack of communication & drive on the part of the government, 76% of the parents polled were unaware a Free School was planned in their area and 72% said they had not been given the opportunity to give their opinion on the matter.
Up against this representation of the educational establishment we have Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Education, who believes in the merits of traditional teaching and rigorous testing and has a vision of making every state school an Academy or Free School. In terms of his progress to date, it was reported on BBC Radio 4 today that only around 50% of schools were planning to achieve Academy or Free School status. It then becomes almost a question of which side of the argument views this as a wine glass half-full or half-empty situation, with Mr Gove seeming to represent the more positive (half-full wine glass) side and expressing himself very satisfied with progress so far. Indeed, also putting a more positive view of the situation, we have Nick Boles the Conservative MP for Grantham & Stamford, writing in the Times of 4th January that the early measures of the Coalition government are making an impact. It took the previous Labour government seven years to set up 200 Academies but the Coalition has already created 200 more in seven months! He is also advocating that as more schools become Academies, the government should actively encourage them to form or join chains of schools such as the Priory Federation in Lincolnshire or the Harris Federation of South London Schools, which show that pooling of resources can facilitate attracting outstanding leadership and also release money to improve the facilities and opportunities for pupils.
However, to really combat entrenched interests within the educational establishment requires political courage says Chris Woodhead, former Chief Inspector of Schools and writing in the Sunday Times of 2nd January. Mr Gove also has to be more radical and ruthless if he wants a more thoughtful, open-minded profession prepared to engage with his agenda. As an example of a weakness of policy (perhaps for unavoidable political reasons) that he perceives as undermining delivery of the Gove reforms, Mr Woodhead cites the refusal of Mr Gove to allow for-profit companies to participate in his Free Schools initiative. Here Chris Woodhead declares an interest as he is also chairman of the private schools group Cognita; however, he quotes a recent report published by the Institute of Economic Affairs ( on the Swedish Free School reforms, which shows that without the involvement of commercial companies there is very little chance of any real momentum being developed. In Sweden these for-profit schools delivered better results for pupils from the poorest backgrounds than either state schools or non-profit schools. It seems evident then that e.g. in tough areas with high levels of poverty and low levels of parental education, the profit motive in education can make a beneficial difference. In addition, since for-profit schools are not allowed to charge top-up fees, their profits must come from running their schools more efficiently than state schools to meet the demands of parents (i.e. their customers) and able to suitably reward their vital resource of good teachers. Mr Woodhead thinks this should appeal to a Coalition government which claims to value private enterprise.
On the Gove ambition to make every state school an Academy or Free School, Mr Woodhead also quotes evidence from the 1990s indicating that most schools will never opt to leave the protection of their local authority (but which now seems somewhat contradicted by the latest report quoted earlier of 50% planning Academy or Free School status). He, therefore, proposes that instead of Mr Gove leaving each school to come to its own decision ? in Surrey (within which his constituency also falls) for example, only one of 400 schools has taken up his invitation ? effective legislation is essential to push schools to function as independent institutions. There is also a corresponding need to support those schools and teachers sympathetic to the Gove vision and whose reciprocal support is again critical to its practical implementation.

Schools & Social Mobility

jeudi, septembre 23rd, 2010

Michael Gove, the Conservative education secretary in the Coalition government has stated that schools should be the engines of social mobility. However, the best performing schools such as the independents, tend to be those dominated by the sharp-elbowed, middle class (as David Cameron has described them) and do not reflect the composition of society at large. This results in other schools in the area being left with a disproportionately larger number of pupils from lower income families. To improve social mobility, therefore, the better schools should accept a more balanced input of pupils from a wider social spectrum. This could of course prove quite traumatic for those less affluent , with children notoriously capable of also being verbally very cruel, very likely singling them out as the so-called poor kids, bussed in from the surrounding districts. Some Conservative MPs have also questioned that if such a selection is made on the basis of income, why not on the grounds of ability (as for the former grammar schools via the 11+ exam)?
Yet even though a fortune has been spent on schools in the UK over the last 2-3 decades, the social gap between rich and poor children is not narrowing. Indeed, Mr Gove says that other countries are moving ahead faster than the UK and the gap is getting worse. Time will tell whether his education policies e.g. for Free Schools will be any more effective than those of his predecessors. However, his conclusion seems right that richer children in general do better than poorer children and that the biggest predictor by far of how well a child will do in later life is the income of the parents. It is ironic that Britain has somehow become more socially divided over the last 25 years when so much money has been ploughed into state schools.

Social Mobility & Aspiration.

lundi, janvier 18th, 2010

Last week David Cameron praised social mobility without seemingly aiming to close the income gap between rich and poor. The Labour policy to create a fairer society has also not been successful with such inequality having widened somewhat during their term of government. Social mobility in Britain remains amongst the worst in Europe.
Alan Milburn »s report on social mobility described how the Country was becoming split between those with support networks and social skills and those without. Even the ordinary middle-classes were losing out to those in the upper middle level with  »connections » and suggesting also structural privilege with e.g. Law and Medicine still dominated by the upper levels.
It is within this context , therefore, that Gordan Brown »s weekend speech to the socialist Fabian Society posited Labour as the party for middle income Britain, sharing its middle-class values and aspirations and asserting that the Conservatives want to take away middle-class guarantees, with also no account of their future middle-class jobs.
The difficulties of moving between the different levels of what remains a highly stratified society in Britain used to be clearly understood e.g. with the Grammar Schools created to encourage the social mobility of the more academically clever children. There is still a need today for a pragmatic policy to improve social mobility without which the associated aspiration remains questionable. This could include for example a programme to encourage the top performing schools to share their know-how with the more disfunctional state ones, on how they develop their pupils » broader social skills and connections to maximise their prospects as they progress in the outside world.The right teaching environment can play a transforming role in developing aspiration and social mobility with advice and encouragement extending beyond the pure academic requirement. More investment in state-financed nurseries (perhaps as an alternative to marriage tax breaks) could also reduce exclusion and poverty at the  »broken society » level by allowing the mother to work and giving the children the chance of participating at the earliest education stage.