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Conservative Policy Forum (CPF): For stimulating discussion of political issues

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About Us

Our objective is to further the aims of the British Conservative Party and give members the means to support these aims from France.

We arrange political and social events involving both British and French politicians.

Our members’ views are represented to the Conservative Party via the regular policy consultation process of the Conservative Policy Forum.

Where appropriate, we liaise with like-minded political parties from other countries.

We encourage eligible British citizens in France to register to vote in UK national elections. (Click on to register).

In parallel, we are campaigning for the 15-year limit on such voting eligibility to be lifted.

We organise several types of event (click here for the latest update) including:

  • Dinners several times a year in central Paris restaurants and on occasions the French Senate or National Assembly. Here we invite e.g. British MPs, members of the Lords and /or French politicians as speakers and encourage debate.
  • Quarterly discussions on political issues as part of the Conservative Policy Forum consultation process. By this means our members can provide regular “grassroots” feedback on policy briefs prepared by the Central Research Department.
  • Other social events such as outside visits and study group suppers to discuss broader but topical subjects with a political flavour. These encourage members to mix more informally and meet like-minded parties.

Membership is open to all those living in or connected with France, who support our Aims.

Members are given access to our internal Blog above to actively contribute on-line comment.

Members are also automatically members of the British Conservative Party.

As a non-member but supporting the Conservative Party, you are welcome to participate in our events although there is an average €5 surcharge for non-members.

Our membership subscription is €30 running for 12 months from the date of payment.

To apply, click on Membership above to download the membership form.

To find out more, please send us a message.


2025 Programme of Events

Jan 30 - Zoom conference on the renewal of Conservatism

Feb 5 - New Year Party at St George's Hall, Paris

March 14 -  Speaker dinner with Nigel Evans, until 2024 Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons & MP for Ribble Valley in Lancs.


Votes for Life Delivered!

Click here for further information on the latest events

View our latest blog posting here

Important: You can Register on-line to vote here

Click here for further information.

Latest blog posting: View and add your comments.